Čekor Macedonian Dance Company was formed in early 2020, created by collaborative like-minded individuals who all share the same values, desires and the love for dance.

Čekor is renowned for providing a first class Macedonian traditional dancing experience throughout Victoria, nationwide and abroad. Offering a genuine service, Čekor has a skilled team of individuals to help deliver a Macedonian traditional dancing display and experience at your next function. Our team has the understanding and knowledge to make your experience exuberating with a combined dancer experience of over 100 years. 

Whether it be a high-end black-tie event, gala, or a diverse showcase at a Multicultural event, you can trust Čekor to transport you back to Macedonia with their vivacious performances. Specialising in a multi-regional repertoire of Macedonian dances, Čekor is ready to present their artistic ethnos.

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